Hello and welcome to my new blogspot. My name is Adrian Edwards and it is my honour to be the 411th Mayor of Newbury. Here I am pictured in my full Mayoral robes with my Mayoress Edwina Cooper. It is my second time as Mayor of this town and it will be my pleasure to record and explain the numerous roles of a modern day Mayor. I hope you will enjoy reading this online diary as much as I am sure that I am going to enjoy carrying out my civic duties. If there is anything you wish to query or indeed if you would like me to attend a function that you are organising, have no hesitation in contacting my Civic Manager Joyce Lewis on 01635 41583. Thank you once again for sparing your time.

Wednesday, 3 October 2007


I was invited to attend the Newbury Primary Schools football tournament on the afternoon of 3 October at Trinity School. This is an annual event which gives the boys and girls of Newbury’s Primary Schools the opportunity to play against each other. I had a personal interest in this tournament on two counts. The first was that I am a Governor of John Rankin Junior School which was in the tournament and secondly, I sponsored from the Mayor’s Fund the medals for the teams.
I arrived well into the competition but I was able to see several of the games. I was amazed at the skills and determination of all of the players, both girls and boys, and I have little doubt that some of them will be very good if they continue to play regularly. I was also impressed at the sportsmanship by all the players and perhaps the more professional players should follow their excellent example. I was delighted to give out all the medals and trophies as I believed they were all winners.
My thanks go to Sgt Simon Briggs of the Newbury Neighbourhood Policing Team and the PCSOs, Neighbourhood Wardens, the referees and other volunteers who made this tournament go so well. Thanks also go to Trinity School who hosted the tournament.

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